Friday, February 28, 2014

TED talk

TED is a nonprofit showcase devoted to spreading ideas and educating people on important and interesting information. It started out in 1984 as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, and design. Since then its scope has become ever broader. TED conferences bring together the world's most fascinating thinkers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives (in 18 minutes or less. TED gives different programs and organizations the opportunity to show case their talents and presentations in front of a large audience and the video remains on the TED website. It helps the world be more innovative and it’s a great system of broadcast. Today, TED is one of the best form of an education system to be updated on new technology and it also gives you the mindset that you need because it enables you to have an open mind. TED has a positive affect on society because it brings together creative and smart people with different ideas they have ready to be presented to us to freely watch. If you do not feel like you want to be educated you could watch and inspirational video where people come on the show and talk about their life and how it may have shaped the way they are now. Overall, TED is very big across the nation and people should take advantage of it because it highly increases the knowledge of those who do tune in.


Siri lets you use your voice to send messages, schedule meetings, place phone calls, and more. Ask Siri to do things just by talking the way you talk. Siri understands what you say, knows what you mean, and even talks back. Siri is so easy to use and does so much; you’ll keep finding more and more ways to use it. It was released with the iPhone 4s; it has the potential to radically impact how we interact with technology. Apple a great leap into the innovative world.  It is now on the newer generation IPhones. Siri has a negative affect on society because it is making us lazy. The fact that we cant talk into our cellphone gives people a reason to be frustrated if they have to write or type information into their cellphones. Siri allows you to use little physical work. Eventually, siri will be able to do a lot more to enable the lazy size of people.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Negative affect of Breaking bad Tv series

Breaking Bad is a crime drama television series. It is a story of a teacher, Walter White, who is diagnosed with lung cancer at the beginning of the series. He turns to a life of crime, producing and selling meth, in order to secure his family's financial future before he dies, teaming with his former student, Jesse Pinkman. In the series, they explore the dangers of making meth and the process it takes to have everything needed to create a nice batch of meth. They also explore the trouble it is having a middleman and some one to transport the meth to other countries. This TV series has a negative affect on society in multiply ways. They make the production of meth look as if it is not a high profile drug that has a huge impact on society itself. They Influence those who actually cook meth to do different thing that would be strategic like use a trailer to cook the meth in an area in which they would not be found by any cops. A main focus in the series was having someone trust worthy to do business.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Music By Janelle Monae

"I've never forgotten where I come from," she says. "It's crazy, but I really want to be the one to show everyone back home that it can be done. And not by selling drugs but by being passionate about the right thing and the right things will come your way." She pays homage to her parents with a signature black-and-white tuxedo she wears for every performance. "I call it my uniform," she explained. "My mother was a janitor and my father collected trash, so I wear a uniform too. “Janelle Monae is an American R&B and soul musician, composer and record producer signed to Wonderland Art Society, Bad Boy Records and Atlantic Records. Janelle Monae has a positive affect on society because she went against the odds and made music that sends positive messages out to women. She only wears black and white suits and tuxedoes because her parents have to wear a uniform to work. She does not use profanity in her music and she aims to uplift people in her music. For Example, her song Q.U.E.E.N was very uplifting to the black women and encouraged the way black women dance.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Negative Influence of the show Jackass

It takes a jackass to live a life in which stunts bring in the income. Jackass is a movie where a group of guys go around risking their health doing dangerous stunts. It has a negative affect on society. It gives a message that doing dangerous stunts with a group of friends is fun. In the show, they do not get hurt very easily because they were trained to avoid getting hurt and they also take precautions on the show. The show encourages the audience to take risk, which seems a lot easier on the show because they know what they are doing. The show makes you feel as though the stunts will not injure you but the people on the show gets hurt from some of the stunts and pretend to be fine until they are away from the camera. There are even members of the group from the show suffering from injuries and have to live with body marks that they receive doing stunt on the show. It promotes mindless behavior and there are tons of kids out there who enjoy doing stunts. The show is that extra push for them to do that crazy stunts they would be afraid of doing. We would have a more peaceful society if we did not have show encouraging stupid activities.

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Tittle of the show says it all

Bad Girls Club is an American reality television series. The show focuses on the disputes of seven highly aggressive women. Each of the women has a behavioral problem. They are introduced to the show based off their capacity to be a tough chick. The show has a negative effect on women because they fight a lot in the show and encourages wild behavior of women. It’s a really bad show for the youth and young adults because it encourages violence behavior. They drink, fight and argue on the show, which is very senseless. The show is bad for society because if a female is watching the show and she see one of her favorite characters get up and slap another female because of anger, it encourager her to slap the girl that she dislike maybe at school or at work. It promotes bad decisions between women because all of the women are suppose to be tough and aggressive, which means they are not going to get a long.

Family Guy has bad intentions

Family Guy has generated a large amount controversy since its first season on FOX. Insensitively addressing touchy subjects, such as homosexuality, drug use, domestic violence, the Holocaust and many other crude topics is essentially what “Family Guy” is best known for. In fact, numerous groups and companies have actually protested against the show. The show is terrible for society because in the show all they do is make fun of famous people, play around with religion, and criticize everything. Family is an animation but kids should not watch it. There is to many vague messages being described through out the shows. The show is very popular and it has a negative affect on society. It has a negative affect because it encourages people to go around making jokes about others. It give the audience different jokes to repeat. It creates a belief system for its audience. For Example, in the show they say a substantial amount of false information about entertainers, which gives the audience the wrong information about people. It influences the audience to judge and assume information that is made up by the show.